
Pre-formed stainless steel crown

Pre-formed stainless steel crown

Pre-formed zirconia crowns

Pre-formed zirconia crowns

Restorations, or fillings, are most commonly used to fix teeth that have developed cavities. There is a range of filling materials available, with the most appropriate material depending upon the situation. The materials most commonly used in children are:

  • Resin composite, a white plastic like material,

  • Glass ionomer cement, a white filling material that also releases fluoride,

  • A mixture of resin composite and glass ionomer cement,

  • Pre-formed stainless steel crowns,

  • Pre-formed zirconia crowns

For children, the most successful material are either stainless steel crowns or zirconia crowns. Both have their advantages with many parents now preferring the white crowns due to the better appearance

Dr Sarah and Dr Tim will always discuss with you what material they believe is the most appropriate for your child in order to achieve the best possible outcome.